Trust and Compassion

The well- being and comfort of my clients is top priority. Read on to get to know more about myself and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®


We have Dolores Cannon to thank for this miraculous method of hypnosis. So how did a seemingly regular Navy wife and mother stumble upon such a discovery?

It was actually Dolores’ husband who began using hypnotherapy back in the 1960’s. She would assist her husband, Johnny Cannon, with routine hypnotherapy to cure common ailments such as weight issues, stop smoking, anxiety, ect. One day, a woman came to Johnny to help with a nervous eating disorder and fell easily into a somnambulistic trance. Over multiple sessions, they were not only able to help her overcome the disorder, but they had accidently stumbled into her past lives! The discovery and details of these sessions is covered in Five Lives Remembered, written by Dolores Cannon. Johnny Cannon quit hypnotherapy after a near- fatal accident and was honorably discharged from the military. It wasn’t until the 1970s when Dolores was able to dive back into this work.

With an insatiable curiosity, Dolores was able to develop her own technique of hypnosis to dive deeper into the unknown while keeping the client’s well being above all else. Today, her 19 books have been translated into several languages containing the transcripts and newfound knowledge from thousands of QHHT® sessions done during her lifetime. Her technique is also being taught globally to facilitate miraculous healing to anyone who seeks it.

“In this type of work it is imperative to have an open mind. Once you say ‘that cannot be… that doesn’t fit into the pattern of what I believe exists’, then you close the door on wonderful possibilities.”

— Dolores Cannon

Elena Ruiz | Level One Certified QHHT Intern Practitioner

A native Floridian, I grew up only a few miles from the Gulf of Mexico as the only child to both my mother and father. From a young age I became a caregiver, mediator, and empath in my family. This led me to mature quickly and understand most of what we observe in others, whether friend, family, or acquaintance is just the tip of the iceberg.

At the age of 19, I packed up and moved to New Orleans, Louisiana where my curiosity for metaphysics was sowed and blossomed. I spent those 5 years working in the service industry as a server and bartender. One might say an unofficial therapist for my many wonderful regulars, being drawn to those who really needed guidance or an act of kindness. The many soul connections I’ve had through my guests and personal relationships has eventually led me to this avenue where I am blessed to be in a position to facilitate a measurable difference in one’s journey.

The 2020 pandemic hit while I was still in New Orleans, this is inevitably part of what ignited my own spiritual awakening. To summarize, I had to move back home, giving up everything I had built in a city I had grown to love. Something inside me refused to be a victim, and I knew that a very important new beginning was on my horizon. Upon my arrival in Florida I began soul searching and soon Dolores Cannon’s work came into my life. My gift and purpose became more clear to me during an energy healing session where a channeled message surfaced for me from the facilitator. This message was so in depth about what I was here to do in this lifetime. From that moment I knew QHHT® was going to be my method of fulfilling my own journey by bringing others the peace they needed as a Guide for my clients.

Thank you & Talk soon!